
Borobudur Temple is one of the wonders of the world

Borobodur temple is the largest Buddhist monument in the world. Built during the dynasty of King Samaratungga Dynasty in the year of 824. Borobudur was built 300 years before Angkor Wat in Cambodia and 400 years before the great cathedrals in Europe.

Borobudur has extensive 123x123 504 m² with a statue of Buddha, stupas overlay 72 and a main stupa. The shape of this temple that reflects the influence of beraksitektur Gupta India. After visiting here you will understand why Borobudur has a fascination for visitors and an icon of cultural heritage of Indonesia.

International institutions of the United Nations recognizes as well that UNESCO praised the Borobudur Temple as one of the world's largest Buddhist monument. In this temple there are 2672 relief panels which when compiled lined the length reaches 6 km. Ensemble is the most complete relief in the world and the unparalleled value of his art, and every scene is a masterpiece intact.

Since the mid-ninth century until the early 11 th century, Borobudur a Buddhist pilgrim places of China, India, Tibet, and Cambodia. Borobudur Temple became one of the most important historical traces in the development of human civilization. Architectural grandeur and majesty of Borobudur is the world's treasures are amazing and priceless.

Borobudur consists of 1460 relief panels and 504 stupas. However, panels that are seen were not complete because there are 160 panels are deliberately dumped because relief is considered vulgar and obscene. The panels are located on the bottom, contains scenes Silk Karmawibhangga (causation).

Borobudur was built for 75 years under the leadership of architect Gunadarma to 60,000 cubic meters of volcanic rocks from the Elo and Progo River, located about 2 km east of the temple. It was not yet known and the metric system unit of length used to build the temple of Borobudur is the tuning that is calculated by spreading the thumb and middle finger or measure the length of hair from the forehead to the base of the chin.

Based on the inscriptions and Kahulunan Karangtengah, historian JG de Casparis estimate the founder of the Borobudur is an ancient king of Mataram dynasty dynasty named Samaratungga, and building this temple around 824 AD The giant new buildings can be completed at the time of her daughter, Queen Pramudawardhani. Borobudur estimated construction takes half a century.

At first, this temple is expected as a place of worship. J.G. de Casparis estimates that Bhumi Sambhāra Bhudhāra in Sanskrit which means "Mount of the set of ten levels boddhisattwa virtue", was the original name of Borobudur. Some historians have also stated that Borobudur's name is derived from the Sanskrit "Vihara Buddha Uhr" which means "Buddhist Monastery on the Mount".

This temple is located in Central Java, on a hilltop overlooking lush rice fields in between the hills are tenuous. Very large coverage area, ie, measuring 123 x 123 meters. Borobudur Temple was built on an ancient lake. First, the area is the estuary of the river flow. Because buried under lava and sediment into the plains. At the end of the century VIII, king of the dynasty dynasty Samaratungga then build the temple of Borobudur, led architect named Gunadharma hinggga completion Saka year 746 or 824 AD.
Building area is 15,129 m² Borobudur is composed of 55,000 m³ of stone, consisting of 2 million pieces of rocks. Average stone size 25 x 10 x 15 cm. Overall length of cut stone 500 km with a total weight of 1.3 million tons of stone. The walls of Borobudur Temple surrounded by pictures or reliefs which are a series of stories that terususun in the 1460 panel. The length of each panel 2 meters. So if the series of reliefs that stretched the length of relief more or less entirely up to 3 km. This temple has 10 levels, where levels 1-6 of a square, while the level of 70-10 round. Arca found throughout the temple buildings totaling 504 units. Meanwhile, the high temple of the soil surface until the end of the main stupa was 42 meters, 34.5 meters but now lives after being struck by lightning. The very top level to the 10th there is a large stupa 9.90 m in diameter, with height 7 m.
Architecture and building stone temples is really unparalleled. This temple was built without using cement. The structure is like a lego inter-union row confirmed and made ​​simultaneously with no glue at all.
Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles found in 1814 Borobudur in damaged condition and ordered that the site be cleaned and studied thoroughly. The existence of Borobudur has actually been known to local residents in the 18th century where the material previously buried in Mount Merapi.

Borobudur restoration project on a large scale and then starting from 1905 until 1910. With the help of UNESCO, the second restoration to rescue Borobudur was carried out from August 1913 until 1983. This temple has remained strong despite the past ten centuries unkempt.

In the 1970s the Indonesian government and UNESCO are working together to restore the grandeur of Borobudur. Repairs are done took eight years to complete and is currently Borobudur is one of the wonders and treasures of Indonesia and the world is valuable.

Various sciences involved in the reconstruction effort undertaken by the Borobudur Temple Teodhorus van Erp 1911, Prof.. Dr. C. Coremans 1956, and Prof.Ir. Roosseno 1971. We should appreciate their efforts led the restoration of the temple because many challenges and difficulties is not easy. Borobudur finally established in 1991 as World Heritage by UNESCO.

Borobudur temple decorated with carvings on the stone reliefs representing the image of Buddha's life. Archaeologists claim that Borobudur has a 1460 series of reliefs along the walls and platforms. Relief is the most complete and largest in the world so that the value of his art is unmatched. Reading of relief stories are always the starting and ending on the east side of the gate at every level. The story starts from the left and ends on the right gate.
This monument is a sacred place and a place of Buddhist pilgrimage. Level of ten temples symbolizing the three divisions of Buddhism the cosmic system. When you begin the journey they passed through the base of the temple to go up, they will pass through three levels of Buddhist cosmology and is essentially a "clone" of the universe according to Buddhist doctrine consists of three major parts, namely: (1) Kamadhatu or the world of desire; (2) Rupadhatu or shaped the world, and (3) Arupadhatu or formless world.

The entire monument itself resembles a gigantic stupa, but viewed from above form a mandala. Great stupa at the top of the temple is 40 meters above the ground. The main dome is surrounded by 72 statues of Buddha inside the stupa is hollow.


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